Memorize - Well known Port Numbers
While there are over 65,000 possible ports, chances are you will need to know a handful for the exam as well as your daily life as a CISSP. Here are some common ones to be aware of:
- 20,21 - FTP, File Transfer Protocol
- 22 - ssh, secure shell
- 23 - Telnet
- 25 - SMTP, Simple Mail Transport Protocol
- 53 - DNS
- 69 - TFTP, Trivial File Transfer Protocol
- 80 - HTTP, HyperText Transfer Protocol
- 110 - POP3, Post Office Protocol (version 3)
- 119 - NNTP, Network News Transport Protocol
- 124 - NTP, Network Time Protocol
- 143 - MAP, Internet Message Access Protocol (version 4)
- 161 - SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol
- 3389 - RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol
- 6000- X-Windows
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